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Pray the Stations of the Cross

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Stained glass window of the Carrying of the Cross in the great oratory of Kerizinen

History of the Stations of the Cross

"Since the peace of Constantine in 313, the crowds of Christians have wanted each year to be in Jerusalem, the week of the Passion of Christ and to redo the path that this one had taken the days which preceded his death". The death and resurrection of Christ founded the birth of the Church at Pentecost. In a way, the Christians of the first centuries wanted to relive the event, to identify with Jesus, and by this gesture to thank him.


“The Franciscans imagined and disseminated in the 14th and 15th centuries. the practice of the way of the cross. Guardians of the holy places since the 14th century, by virtue of an agreement made with the Turks, they led in Jerusalem the spiritual exercises of pilgrims on the Via Dolorosa followed by Christ and going to the tribunal of Pilate, at the bottom of the city, to Golgotha, Calvary, at its summit. They had the idea of transposing this form of meditation on the Passion to all the faithful and thus to allow the poor and those who could not go to the Holy Land to accomplish the same process as the pilgrims.

To do so, they placed in the open air or in churches, series of evocations (paintings, statues, crosses, etc.), scenes that marked Christ's journey to Calvary, and they had each of the faithful pray and meditate. of its stages or "stations". The number of these varied until the 18th century. during which they were set at 14 by Popes Benedict XII and Clément XIV… ”Today, as in Lourdes, for example, in the mountain above the sanctuaries, we sometimes add a 15th station, that of the empty tomb which thus connects, in the end, all the stations to the resurrection


Christ in wood in the small

Kerizinen Oratory

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