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The source of Kerizinen


Prayer of thanksgiving

72ème anniversaire de la source

Blessed are you Lord for having answered our prayers, united to the intercession of Mary our Mother, letting a new source flow in this place. For 68 years, the water you gave us has not ceased to pour out your healing graces on souls and bodies. Innumerable are the testimonies of gratitude, even more, the graces known only to You and to souls. Be eternally thanked for it.

History of the kerizinen source


Before July 13, 1952, the date of the spring bursting, there was no drinking water in Kerizinen.

The Ramonet family - made up of 9 children and 2 parents - went, like many of their neighbors, to fetch drinking water at a place called "Feunteun Venn", the Fontaine Blanche, located 400 meters from their farm.

It took 25 minutes there and back, through fields and oak woods, carrying terracotta jars with a capacity of 10 liters.

It was child labor, and they always went two by two, because it was heavy and because there was wood to go through. They went there every day in summer, but less often in winter, because it was easier to drink milk.

Jeanne-Louise Ramonet's house

It took 25 minutes there and back, through fields and oak woods, carrying terracotta jars with a capacity of 10 liters.

It was child labor, and they always went two by two, because it was heavy and because there was wood to go through. They went there every day in summer, but less often in winter, because it was easier to drink milk .

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

This water was therefore used for drinking and for all cooking needs.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

The only existing water in Kerizinen was the water from the river, which flowed below the fields, near the dirt road which passed between the embankments, connecting the farms to each other.

It is in this river that the animals were taken to drink, and that water was taken in large buckets for household needs.

There were also two wash houses, a third was also at Feunteun Venn-, one of which we can still guess today the location on the left on the road which goes towards Plounévez-Lochrist, and a second which belonged to the neighbors the closer, but which today has disappeared. This is where Madame Ramonet went every week to wash the laundry for her large household.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

Feunteun Venn

After the war, Anne and Jeanne-Louise Ramonet found themselves alone on the farm to work there. The same life continued, without water or electricity, lot of many small isolated farms in the countryside.

The Blessed Virgin appeared for the first time in Kerizinen on September 15, 1938. The clergy having asked Jeanne-Louise to remain silent, the apparitions remained hidden for nine years, but they were unveiled by an indiscretion in October 1947, after the thirteenth apparition, and the neighborhood came to pray on the spot with Jeanne-Louise.

Then, a first cure was obtained in May 1949. It was covered in the newspapers, and the crowd then went to Kerizinen .


Here are five testimonials from some "researchers" of this time:

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

"I claim to have frequented Kerizinen from May 1949 and

never having seen water before July 13, 1952. "

Mrs LB, Lanhouarneau.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

"I certify that I have never seen water in Kerizinen before July 13 , 1952. "

Mrs LG, Lanhouarneau.

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"I, the undersigned Mrs YD hereby certify that she went to Kerizinen in 1949 and that she observed that the very site of the current fountain, which formed a small cavity, was perfectly dry. "

Mrs D., Plouescat.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.



"I, the undersigned, Mrs L., having lived 60 years in the vicinity of Kerizinen, certify that she has never seen drinking water in Kerizinen, except the small river which flows below and which was not drinkable either. . I went to fetch drinking water from Feunteun Venn, like all those around. When I tended my cows, I could hear the prayers of the pilgrims from Kerizinen from afar, and I prayed with them, and I do not regret .. . "

Mrs L., Plounévez-Lochrist.






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"I, the undersigned, have come to Kerizinen in 1949; until July 13, 1952, I never saw water, but we were waiting for water since it was announced by the Blessed Virgin."

Mrs E., St-Méen,

In search of water continued

Then, it was necessary to consolidate the excavation with granite stone arranged in an ogive, which was then closed with a wrought iron gate. From now on, the water, pumped into the basin, is distributed by a dozen taps, also attached to a granite wall. On the ground, a slab allows you not to wade through the mud and, on each side, a descent and ascent staircase allows you to climb the unevenness of the embankment.

In 1994, on the 42nd anniversary of the spring bursting, a granite statue of Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, naively made, was installed at the source on July 17, in front of a large audience. She now watches over the place and recalls by her presence the message that She gave on May 24, 1949: "In this place, I go down especially for the sinners, however, if one listens to me, I will not refuse the health of the body

It was during the summer of 1949.

It was a hot, dry summer. Jeanne-Louise remembers that one day, her sister Anne was returning from Feunteun Venn, carrying the ten-liter jar, and arriving in Kerizinen, a pilgrim approached her and asked her for a drink, it was so hot. Anne therefore gave her a glass of water, and they all came to her to ask for the same. In no time at all the jar was empty ... and she had to go back to Feunteun Venn again.

Perhaps it was on this occasion that the pilgrims asked Jeanne-Louise to beg the Blessed Virgin to give water to Kerizinen, as She had done so often in other places of apparitions. . .

So, when, on August 6, 1949, Jeanne-Louise saw the Blessed Virgin again, she asked her:

"Will there be no water in this place?"

The Blessed Virgin answered her :



Three years of waiting.

So pilgrimages were organized. We redoubled our prayers. Then we looked for water everywhere.

As for Anne and Jeanne-Louise, when the work on the farm allowed it, they joined in the prayers, and they continued, as usual, to fetch their drinking water from Feunteun Venn.

Everyone was looking for water, the pilgrims passing through, as well as the nearby inhabitants. But no one could find anything.

The wife of a Doctor of Plounévez-Lochrist, Madame M., who was a water divider, also came to the scene, sent by the local clergy. But she found no water.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

Then, sent by the Bishop's Palace, four Religious teachers from Saint Thégonnec, in turn, came to fetch water. But they couldn't find anything either.

We had therefore been waiting for the water for nearly three years, and the prayer continued, humble and persevering. . .

From July 13, 1952

At two o'clock in the afternoon, in the middle of a scorching and dry summer - there had been no rain or storm for a long time - the water began to flow, below the field of the apparitions, to the great joy. of all. It was Sunday July 13, 1952. Two ladies from Lampaul-Guimiliau arrived in Kerizinen, and looked for the shade of a tree to picnic, because it was very hot. Suddenly, around 2 o'clock, we saw them running towards Jeanne-Louise's house, shouting: "Here is the water!" here is the water!

We had to wait three years ... But let's listen to the testimony of Jeanne-Louise who, having been born and having lived there, can retrace, with the precision of an eyewitness, the whole history of the Kerizinen source:

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

Yes, to show clearly that it is her work, Notre Dame makes the spring gush out in the middle of a dry summer, after three years of prayer and research.

The owner of a nearby meadow said:

“Since the water comes out of Jeanne-Louise's field, it is surely blessed, since the Blessed Virgin came there. "

Indeed, a few days after the spring burst, a neighbor, Mrs. M., having a 22 month old child who could not walk, soaked her legs in the water, and the child could walk a few days after.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

A young man from Plounevez-Lochrist recounts:

“This is how it went. I had, since October 1947, a cyst 1 which, at that time, made me suffer, without ever having consulted anyone. It was late July 1952.

On the return of the pilgrims from Lourdes, a neighbor being among the number, we decided to go to Kerizinen for a walk after supper. We left 7 by bike ... thinking more of a party of fun than something else. We were all practicing Christians. We first said a prayer near the said fountain, which just appeared at this moment. I said in front of neighbors and neighbors this: "if my finger is healed, I will believe in Kerizinen", laughing a little. The neighbor who was returning from Lourdes told me how to do it. I knelt down, I recited a Pater, an Ave, a Gloria and the act of contrition, with my hand in the water. Two days later there was nothing left. Miracle, coincidence, I don't know. But there was no other reason for him to go then, since he was before. I cannot tell you more. But since then we have returned many times. Here, I explained to you how it happened. "

MELG, Plounevez-Lochrist.

These were therefore the first healings. And these are the children of the country who benefited from it.

First healings in a long series, which will continue to increase to this day,

In 1973, the Source had to be developed, both because of the ever-increasing influx of pilgrims and for reasons of possible pollution.

It was a big job: it was first necessary to dig the granite, in order to make a reserve of water, because the water flowed gradually downwards. It was done with dynamite, but it was only possible to gain two meters in depth, the rock was so hard. And, to do this, it was necessary to pump the water, without stopping for a second, by a machine equipped with large-caliber pipes, which pumped and then discharged the water below. It lasted twelve hours.

1952 to 1973

The source of Kerizinen

gushed on July 13, 1952

Soon the continuation of the history

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