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History of Kerizinen

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Among those who resolutely walked towards God, Jeanne-Louise Ramonet: She was born on October 7, 1910 in Kerizinen, a hamlet located in the town of Plounévez-Lochrist, between Brest and Morlaix; his parents were modest farmers, as he met many at the time. She is the fourth of nine children. The land where she was born is deeply Christian. It was in Lochrist itself (about 7 km away) that a monastery in honor of the Holy Cross was erected in the year 400. The chapel built there later became a great place of pilgrimage dedicated to Christ under the name: "Aotrou Christ an Izelvet". Kerizinen is also located about fifteen kilometers from the Sanctuary of Notre Dame du Folgoët, a well-known place in Leon Finistère for the prayers of the month of May, and for the great forgiveness of September 8. About 4 kilometers from Kerizinen is also the parish of Lanhouarneau, which solemnly fulfills each year, on the feast of Saint Hervé, the wish made during the Second World War: to mark this feast as a day of prayer if all the soldiers and prisoners of the parish returned alive from the war. The wish is granted, and the parish remembers, repeating each year to its God a word of trust and joy. It was in this very religious Leon at the time that Jeanne-Louise lived until her death. During her youth, she suffered from poor health. In 1936, taken to Lourdes, she came back in better health, which allowed her to take on her work on the farm, which she took over when her parents died. She worked there until her retirement in 1970.

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From 1938 to 1965, Jeanne-Louise, in a field near her house, claimed to have had apparitions of Jesus and Mary, often accompanied by messages that she recorded in school notebooks. From 1947, she recited the Rosary daily with the people around. Over the years, a great current of prayer and conversion ensued which lasts to this day.

Jeanne-Louise has always lived in Kerizinen, faithful to the faith of her baptism. All recognize that she persevered until her death in a humble and poor life. She passed away peacefully, armed with the sacraments of the Church, on Sunday February 19, 1995, at the age of 84. She rests in the cemetery of Plounévez-Lochrist. See historical Kerizinen.

For 2000 years, among a multitude of believers of all conditions, an astonishing diversity of paths of life has reflected, in our history, the holiness of Jesus, the Son of the Father, in whom we are created ... official saints canonized by the Church, and Saints of All Saints, immense crowd of the friends of Jesus.

Jeanne-Louise Ramonet

The writings of Jeanne-Louise insist on the compassion of Mary and her union with Christ, they call to pray and to turn to their two Hearts united in the Holy Spirit. They also underline the serious consequences of forgetting God, and encourage conversion because Jesus is "the Way, the Truth, the Life". These writings are also an invitation to the sacraments of Reconciliation and the Eucharist, to prayer - in particular the Rosary and to the demand for love of neighbor.

Small Oratory, 1956

On July 13, 1952, pilgrims saw water flowing below the field of the apparitions. Since then, this water has never dried up and, according to many testimonies, many graces have been obtained through this water.

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The source, current development

On July 13, 1952, pilgrims saw water flowing below the field of the apparitions. Since then, this water has never dried up and, according to many testimonies, many graces have been obtained through this water.

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In 1949, at the very place of the apparitions, a small glass sentry box was offered to house a statuette of the Virgin. In 1956, a small oratory was built to house the pilgrims. These never ceasing to flow, a large oratory including the first was built in 1976. There has also been a day reception since 1992, the Accueil Saint Joseph. All these constructions were made thanks to the donations of the pilgrims.

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Small gatehouse 1949
Large oratory built in 1976
small oratory, current layout

For almost 70 years, the Rosary has been prayed every day in Kerizinen. Many are those who thus come to entrust to the Lord, through Mary, their worries, their anxieties, sometimes the feeling of their nothingness or their dead ends, also bringing before God the life of the world and the concerns of the Church. Astonishing mystery of this humble prayer, in this place far from towns and cities, where one can meditate in peace and silence… "And here Yahweh passed by, and Yahweh was not trembling of earth, not in fire, but in the sound of a light breeze "(I Kings (I Kings 19:12).

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.


If Kerizinen thus grew up, a little mustard seed, from Faith in Jesus and Mary in a humble discreet peasant woman, when we ourselves come to this place, sometimes driven by curiosity, also guided by a quest for God, perhaps we will be surprised by the power of an atmosphere, the density of a presence, the miracle no doubt of a God who communicates to himself.

"Be true Christians, Christians who exist, who are not afraid to walk, to meet, to surpass themselves for others. Be the revealed truth of those who seek it, because your century demands the true". (Notebooks of Jeanne-Louise, February 25, 1964)

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